The Kaavi Art - The Chronicle of The Indian Artistry How fascinating would it be to have a form of art that has trapped history into it and awaits to unwind the secret messages of the past? One such lost form of craft is the Kaavi art! The Kaavi art is a deeply pigmented monochromatic mural that was seamlessly created with raw natural earthy elements, which happen to exuberantly convey the cultural rich folklore of our ancestors. Kaavi art was born in the 16th century and was typically ordinated in the Konkan region, which gradually spread along the western coastal belt of India. The term Kaavi refers to the Indian red pigment that was procured naturally from the laterite soil that stretched along the coast of Goa. Kaavi Art at my ancestral maternal house in Goa The typical Kaavi art borders In combination with a painted border 'Khuttyale'/Wooden Cloth hanger with Chitari Art hung on the wall) The three substantial elements of Kaavi art were Lime, Sand a...