Roteção - The bamboo cane weaving technique of the Portuguese Era. Rotesão was a traditional method used during the Portuguese era in Goa which involved hand weaving bamboo cane strips into wooden frames of different types of furniture, especially chairs. Most old Goan homes had furniture with hand-woven strips of cane which, in the later years, were replaced by plastic/nylon. The most common weave was hole-to-hole hand chair caning, in which the wooden frames had holes along the periphery for the cane strips to be weaved neatly by hand. The traditional hand caning weave used has a very distinctive and common series of octagonal holes in the pattern when completed. Although there are a number of cane patterns and designs, this seven-step method has proved to be the most durable and longest-lasting of the various hole or lace caning patterns developed over several centuries. The average lifespan of this chair seat pattern is 25 years, which can easily be achieved with good c...